You Don't Need to Lose Weight Before Vacation

Every time we enter the spring and summer seasons, we are bombarded with the idea that we should lose a little bit of weight before wearing that bathing suit on vacation. Thanks to diet culture, I am willing to bet that you have felt the pressure to shrink your body in the weeks prior to beach and pool season.

I’m going to go against the grain and say that you do not need to change your body before going on vacation.

If you’re new here, hello and welcome! My name is Hannah and I am a non-diet dietitian and personal trainer here to help you improve your relationship with your food and exercise and finally find food freedom.

you don't need to lose weight before vacation dietitian hannah

Crash dieting is unsustainable

Making short-term diet changes may lead to weight loss, but what happens when you return from stress-free bliss and resume your normal day-to-day routines? Quick fixes are likely to lead to rebound eating and binge-type behaviors, to no fault of your own. This is a result of your body trying to keep you safe and healthy. It does not like when you put it through restrictive diets and strict exercise regimens.

@dietitianhannah Your body is not a project that always needs to be worked on. It’s okay to just be. #bodyimage #haes #weightneutral #dietitiansoftiktok #dietitianhannah #summershred #bikinibody ♬ original sound - Dietitian Hannah

Remember that no major weight changes can happen to your body in a few days or even weeks. Furthermore, intentional weight loss through dieting tends to be unsustainable. Rather than using weight as a measurement of health, I challenge you to focus on how you feel, your energy levels, your relationship with foods, your stress levels, and your sleep patterns.

Vacations are meant to be relaxing

Chances are, you’ve been feeling stressed and this vacation is a much anticipated reprieve. You deserve to finally relax. Don’t spend precious time stressing out about your body.

I know this is far easier said than done. Body image work is hard, especially in the fatphobic society we live in. One way that I like to combat negative self talk is with affirmations. I have 30 of them right here that you can try. To some people who are new to affirmations, this practice may seem a bit silly - “so, you just talk to yourself?” But it is so much more than that. Our thoughts often become our reality, whether they are negative and self-sabotaging thoughts or more positive ones.

Your body is the least interesting thing about you

You are so much more than just your body. While it makes sense that you may notice every little thing that is “wrong” with your body (you do spend every minute of your life with it), others are likely noticing your personality, your sense of humor, and how much you care for your loved ones. They aren’t paying attention to what your body looks like.

Thinking back to all of the different times I have gone to a beach or pool, I cannot remember what a single person’s body looked like. Even my friends or family that I spend lots of time with!

Now, don’t get me wrong, there likely are weirdos out there who may be judging your body. But they are not your problem. And no matter what your body looks like, there will likely be someone who will have a problem with it. Might as well be confident in yourself and tick them off even more!

you don't need to lose weight before vacation dietitian hannah

Find clothes you feel comfortable in

One thing that makes our body image even worse is wearing clothes that pinch, ride up, and hug all the wrong places. I know that I think about my body and its “problems” so much more when I am wearing uncomfortable clothes. On the contrary, wearing clothes that fit us well and and allow us to breathe will only improve our confidence.

I do acknowledge my thin privilege here, as I rarely struggle to find clothes in my size. Meanwhile, the plus-sized clothing industry has a lot of work to do and it leaves much to be desired. Many plus-sized people struggle to find clothes in their size or pieces that match their style. Hopefully clothing will continue to become more inclusive.

It’s okay if you feel the desire to lose weight

No matter how far along you are on you body image journey, it is normal to have urges to shrink your body. You are human and want to be accepted. And the fact of the matter is that thin people are more accepted in our society than those in larger bodies.

Rather than beating yourself up for wanting to lose weight, Acknowledge the part of you that feels this way. What exactly are you looking for and can you achieve those feelings or experiences without losing weight? Maybe you feel like you want to relax by the beach or the pool. Maybe you are looking forward to experiencing new foods on vacation. You may believe that you cannot enjoy these things without losing weight. But is that really the truth? Or is this just a lie that diet culture tells us?

Unpack your beliefs about body size and expand your consciousness. Take a look at others enjoying their vacations in a body like yours. Remind yourself that it is possible! Detox your social media and cultivate a more diverse feed.

If you are wishing to make behavior changes, how can you do so without a focus on shrinking your body? Some examples may include incorporating joyful movement, adding in anti-diet meal planning, and stress management. Of course, long term body image work will also be beneficial. All of these will be health-improving regardless of body size.

Bottom line

You deserve to have a great vacation in any body size. Try not to spend precious stress-relief time thinking about your body.

Rather than dieting before vacation, perhaps spend this time unpacking your beliefs about weight. Incorporate some body image work so that you can combat any body-bashing thoughts and enjoy your vacation at any size.

It’s okay if your body does not look like others that you see on the beach or at the pool. All bodies are different and that’s a wonderful thing!

Looking for more support on your body image journey? We’d love to guide you inside my signature dietitian-led program, The Nutrition Reboot Membership.

Disclaimer: this post is for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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