30 Intuitive Eating Affirmations for Your Food Freedom Journey

Our words and our thoughts are so powerful. You are your thoughts and what you think and tell yourself can dictate your emotions and actions. Using affirmations and positive self-talk can be the key to finally making peace with food and your body and becoming an intuitive eater.

If you’re new here, hello and welcome! My name is Hannah and I am a non-diet dietitian here to help you improve your relationship with your food and finally find food freedom.

intuitive eating affirmations dietitian hannah

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that you can say to yourself (or others) that challenge negative thoughts and self talk. Affirmations are a reminder to your mind to stay positive and focused on your goals.

To some people who are new to affirmations, this practice may seem a bit silly - “so, you just talk to yourself?” But it is so much more than that. Our thoughts often become our reality, whether they are negative and self-sabotaging thoughts or more positive ones. Our thoughts lead to emotions that lead to our actions.

How to use affirmations to improve your relationship with food and your body

  1. Save this post or write down your favorite affirmations in an ever-growing list in a notebook or in the notes section on your phone. Add to it as you brainstorm more affirmations that pertain to your specific food freedom journey.

  2. Each day, choose a few affirmations to focus on. Write them down in your journal.

  3. Set the mood! Listen to relaxing music while you say these affirmations to yourself.

  4. Once you feel ready, say the affirmations out loud, not just in your head.

  5. Read each affirmation slowly and with meaning. You are telling yourself these claims are true!

  6. Repeat each affirmation a few times.

  7. Do this practice daily or as often as you can.

intuitive eating affirmations journaling dietitian hannah

30 Intuitive Eating affirmations to use on your food freedom journey

  1. I am more than my body.

  2. I am not more valuable if I take up less space.

  3. I am not going to spend any more of my life feeling this way about food and my body.

  4. I forgive myself for always trying to shrink my body and I will do my best to nourish my body today.

  5. No matter what my body looks like, I will still be ME.

  6. I accept my body and recognize what it is capable of.

  7. I’m okay with being imperfect - there is no such thing as perfection.

  8. I give myself unconditional permission to eat.

  9. I am always deserving of food. I do not need to earn it.

  10. I deserve to nourish my body.

  11. What I ate yesterday does not determine what I eat today.

  12. I will see food without morality - it is neither “good” nor “bad”.

  13. I give my body permission to change.

  14. I respect my body for all that it does for me.

  15. I forgive my past self for dieting and trying to shrink my body.

  16. I am okay with not knowing what my body needs right now. I am working on figuring it out.

  17. My body is not a reflection of my worth.

  18. Intuitive eating is a journey and I am learning as I go. It’s okay that I don’t have it all figured out right now.

  19. I am the expert of my own body and my food preferences.

  20. I am more than the food that I eat.

  21. I have permission to eat any and all foods in whatever amounts.

  22. I give myself permission to rest. I know that rest can be productive.

  23. I am becoming more in tune with my body and what it needs.

  24. My body is valuable to me and I will treat it as such.

  25. Food gives me energy and nourishment.

  26. I am an intuitive eater.

  27. I have power over food. I am in the driver’s seat.

  28. I can confidently make food choices that make me feel good.

  29. I deserve to be at peace with food and my body.

  30. I am choosing to move my body in ways that feel good.

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