Dietitian Hannah

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Understanding Your Carb Cravings

If you are reading this, you have likely experienced some degree of carb or sugar cravings. And this can feel like a pretty negative experience, especially since we are deep in the low carb and keto era. But despite what the keto cult people will tell you, we need carbs. And it is normal to experience cravings, especially if you are cutting out our brain’s favorite nutrient.

Carb cravings tend to be a sign that the body is in need of something. Let’s talk about some different causes of carb cravings.

If you’re new here, hello and welcome! My name is Hannah and I am a non-diet dietitian here to help you improve your relationship with your food and finally find food freedom.

In this blog we will cover:

  • What causes carb cravings?

  • What to eat when you have carb cravings

  • How to prevent carb cravings

  • How many carbs should we eat per day?

What causes carb cravings?

There are quite a few reasons why you may be consistently craving carbs. This is by no means an all-inclusive list, but hopefully it can help you to pinpoint where your cravings are coming from.

You are in need of fuel

The simplest scenario for why you may be thinking about carbs is that it is time for your next meal or snack. If it has been a few hours since your last meal or snack, it is probably time to eat! Our bodies tend to operate best when we eat every 3-4 hours or so and include carbs at most meals and snacks. If we go too long without eating or don’t eat very balanced plates, our body will tell us what it needs, sometimes in the form of cravings.

You’ve been restricting

If you have been dieting and eating less than your body needs, carb cravings are normal and expected.

Carbs can be used by the body for a super quick source of energy. So if your body is low on energy, it is going to send signals for a quick energy source. This can be why carb cravings are so strong when you are restricting! Your body is just trying to tell you that it’s in need of some fuel.

You’re just experiencing a craving

Simple as that! You might just be in the mood for a specific food that is pleasurable beyond just physical fueling.  Cravings are normal. And it’s okay to eat just for comfort. 

Instead of trying to ignore this craving or cover it up, eat what you are craving and move on! The more you restrict these comfort foods or feel guilt for eating them, the more you are going to keep yourself in the restrict-binge cycle.

Now, if food is your only source of comfort, I recommend unpacking this and trying to find other ways to make yourself feel good besides just turning to food. Be sure to check out this post on emotional eating for more tips.

You just did a workout

We typically think about how our muscles need protein after a workout, and this is true, but we also need carbs! Our bodies use a lot of glucose (aka carbs) during exercise and we need to replenish it afterwards. Best case scenario - try to incorporate a combination of both protein and carbs after a workout!

Some people may feel very hungry after exercise and others might find that their appetite is temporarily stunted after working out. If this is the case, you may need to use some practical nutrition and eat even if you don’t have strong physical hunger cues.

You’re PMS-ing

Hormone shifts related to your menstrual cycle can increase food cravings and carb cravings specifically. In many cases, these cravings are cyclical and tend to occur before or during your period. Don’t be afraid to honor these cravings! Sometimes eating some delicious carbs really can just make us feel better.

To learn more about intuitive eating on your period, check out this post.

You need rest

Poor sleep can lead to decreased leptin (the satiety hormone) and increased ghrelin (the hunger hormone), leading to increased appetite. When our appetite is elevated and our body is tired, cravings may be the result. There is no need to feel guilty about this - it is a normal biological response. If you think your cravings are related to inadequate sleep, the solution would be to try and incorporate more zzz’s!

What to eat when you have carb cravings

This might sound too good to be true, but you gotta eat carbs! The more you allow all foods without labeling them as “good” or “bad”, the less cravings you will have (especially if your cravings are a result of dieting and restricting).

Now, it likely won’t feel the best to just eat alllll the carbs alllll the time. Carbs are great, but we need other nutrients too. Try to incorporate protein and fats at your meals and snacks too.

How to prevent carb cravings

Again, cravings are normal! Even if you do everything “right'“, you will likely still experience cravings from time to time. If you are experience constant carb cravings, however, they may be a few things you could work on.

Eat consistently

If you go too long without eating, your body will likely start sending you strong signals, sometimes in the form of cravings. Try to eat every 3-4 hours and aim for balanced meals and snacks (see next point).

Eat balanced meals and snacks

Simple carbs like fruit and sweets are of course more than fine! But one way that you can make your meals more satisfying is by including complex (high fiber) carbs. Apply gentle nutrition here! For example, if you like white rice wayyyy more than brown rice, choose the white rice! This will increase your satisfaction even if it has a couple less grams of fiber. You will be able to get that fiber in from the other variety of foods that you eat.

Along with fiber, try to include a source of protein and fats at your meals and snacks too.

Don’t restrict - mentally or physically

Both physical and mental restriction can make cravings worse. Improving in this area means that you not only eat the foods that you want, but you also have made peace with these foods and no longer feel guilt or shame for eating them. Take carbs off their pedestal! Food (including carbs) is morally neutral.

Take time for emotional self care

Self care is key, especially if your carb cravings tend to be mostly triggered by heavy or hard emotions. Taking care of yourself can help to alleviate the frequency of emotional eating.

How many carbs should we eat per day?

I don’t love talking specifics when it comes to nutrient needs, because total needs vary from person to person. In fact, carb needs even vary day to day for each individual! That said, most people feel and operate at their best when consuming around 40-65% of total calories from carbs.

What is more important than the specific amount to eat each day is learning to listen to and trust your body’s cues. And this goes right along with building meals and snacks that will make your body feel good. Taking carbs out of your life will likely do the opposite of make you feel good.

Bottom line

There are many reasons why you might have carb cravings! As with all things intuitive eating, try to get curious about where your cravings are coming from. And try not to beat yourself up for it, whatever the reason! Simply pinpoint where cravings may arise from and make a game plan for how to feed and take care of yourself.

Looking for more support navigating your cravings? We’d love to guide you inside The Nutrition Reboot Membership.

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